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February 27, 2024

Do you ever wonder if monsters are real?

I try not to think about what dogs may have been through before coming into rescue. We get more info owner surrenders. We get nothing from shelter pulls and generally have learn as we go. Sometimes what we learn makes us question humanity.

Hank was a shelter pull. After his recovery from multiple respiratory infections, it was time to get neutered and have entropion surgery to alleviate the irritation to his eyes. Because of his recent hospital stay, X-rays were done to check his lungs and then to check his hips since he has an abnormal gait.

His lungs are clear and he looks great. He’s back to his old self again and a happy dog who made a full recovery. Thank you again to the many people who helped make this happen! He wouldn’t be here if we didn’t get him the help he needed.

But apparently that wasn’t his first brush with life. The X-rays on his hips left everyone, including myself stunned, speechless, and then heartbroken. (Images attached)

At some point in his short life someone had used this dog as target practice. Bear in mind that Hank is only 2-3 years old - so very short life. He was not only shot in the rear with buckshot, but there’s also an embedded slug, which means it was 2 different bullets - 2 different guns. The slug and bb’s remain and 2 bb’s are completely encapsulated in his femur, which means this was likely done at a very young age.

There was zero evidence of this injury until the X-rays showed what he was coping with. In true Saint Bernard fashion, his spirit allowed him to just move on and continue being his kind and loving self; to trust a human again and to bond fiercely as only a Saint can do.

We are happy that we were able together Hank what turned out to be a third shot at a happy life. He obviously had a rough start in life but that’s all behind him now. He’ll be spending the rest of his days with Kayla and her beautiful family who have fallen so hard for him. After you’ve gone through everything they have together, that bond becomes too strong to break.


February 6, 2024 - Evening

Quick update: Coming home!

Hank is still feeling pretty crappy and seems to have no energy but he’s off oxygen at least and is able to breathe on his own.

We have to keep his activity levels low and give him breathing treatments every 4-6 hours with a nebulizer in the meantime. But he’s recovering. That’s the important part.

His appetite is still a little low. We’re going to give him an appetite stimulant and another rotisserie chicken but factor in some mashed potatoes and veggies. Hopefully those thing combined jump start him to eating normally. Hank is a picky eater and that alone is a battle.

He’s also been discharged with 2 antibiotics to aid in his recovery. And as long as he’s eating and drinking we’re staying positive. The antibiotics will help his body work through this. Test is always the key to recovery.

I’m just hoping he continues to trend upwards. He’s got quite the battle ahead of him still. Please keep those prayers going for him. He still

needs many. Recovering from pneumonia doesn’t happen quickly.

Thank you so much to our generous donors. We still have a small residual balance that we’re whittling away at but thanks to all of you the bite of it is paid. If you’re ever had a dog in critical care you know ow that expenses can mount quickly. We’ve taken quite a few hard hits with high medical bills this year for our rescue fluffs so our defenses were a bit down on this one.

Veterinary emergency group were amazing and generous. I can’t even say enough great things about this group of caring professionals. I won’t trust our dogs to anyone else


February 5, 2024 - Evening

Hank update:

I just talked to the vet. This all takes me right back to Aragon and everything we went through with him. I keep telling myself he’s in the best possible place that he can be right now. And honestly he is.

But I’m still so very worried and planning to go back in soon to check on him.

This poor pup went downhill so quickly we never saw it coming. One day he’s bouncing around happy to be free from the shelter and the next day he’s clinging to life. It literally happened that fast and despite all efforts to keep him out of the emergency vet and treat at home, the fact of the matter is he wouldn’t have made it. Even our regular vet told me if he doesn’t get admitted now he’s not going to make it.

He’s on oxygen and they managed to get his saturation levels up into the high 90’s. But that’s also on supplemental oxygen. We need him breathing on his own.

They just finished up a round of IV Unasyn and were getting ready to start a round of Baytril when I called. He’s trending up and showing some signs of improvement but still a far throw from being out of the woods yet. The next 12-24 hours are going to be touchy but he’s fighting.

It saddens me to know how many dogs fall victim to the respiratory infections that are going around and this year they seem much more prominent and much more deadly.

This baby is just that. He’s a baby. At only 2 years old and to have been dumped by his original owners in a shelter, he deserved a chance to thrive. And I’ll be honest, with the number of dogs we’ve been asked to take in lately I knew we didn’t have it to spare.

But if I don’t figure it out, this sweet boy dies.

I have to lay down and sleep tonight. I just don’t think I could do that if I didn’t at least try everything I had in me to save his life. It’s not his fault. He didn’t ask to be sick. He didn’t do anything but be sweet, loving and affectionate. And he’s just a baby.

So here we are. We’re going to try. We’re going to do everything we can including pray.

Pray for Hank the Saint Bernard.

I always do my best to thank our amazing supporters for all their help and keep them informed about where their donations go. We can’t do the things we do without you. So really, you’re the ones that make things happen. You’re the ones that save these lives. You’re the ones who are truly amazing. And I couldn’t be any more grateful than I am.

If you want to donate to Hanks vet bill you can do so at any of the following means. Even $2 will help. $2 x 10 people is $20. $20 x 5 people is $100. It all adds up and every dollar collected will go to this dog. We’ve had a few generous donations but we are a long way from our total.

The best way? Direct to the vet. They’re willing to take payments by phone and apply directly to Hanks account under Camp Chaos Rescue.


February 5, 2024 - Morning

When it rains it pours.

Dogs are coming in left and right. Every dog that we take on we have to take care of to the best of our ability and with everything we have.

This one is no different.

Hank is only 2 years old and is presenting with what we thought was a just a mild upper respiratory infection. We took him to the vet for antibiotics and fluids yesterday but he went from mild to serious overnight. A repeat visit to the vet for chest X-rays showed he has pneumonia and he’s in very serious condition and hospitalized right now at the emergency vet.

There are a number of respiratory viruses going around right now and some are worse than others. There’s one in particular that doesn’t seem to respond well to treatment. We’re seeing a rise of this mystery virus and it scares the crap out of me.

Pneumonia isn’t something to take lightly and requires intensive treatment, iv antibiotics and monitoring. Hank is a young, strong boy with no other health issues but regardless we have to try everything we have to save his life.

Er vet = expensive. Very expensive. But it’s either this or his prognosis isn’t very good. I’m not going to sugar coat this… at the moment our rescue simply doesn’t have what we need to cover this bill and the vet cannot let us carry a balance. The estimate for just 24 hours is between $3100-$4490. Hank is on supplemental oxygen as his blood oxygen levels are below 90.

We need help. We’ve been trying but the number of cases we’ve taken on lately have depleted what little reserves we had.

Hank has been admitted for treatment with my favorite team at Veterinary Emergency Group in South Tampa. They are graciously accepting donations for him over the phone if you’d like to help.

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